Clarifying Confusing Names For Obamacare Plans

We have been preparing for the next Open Enrollment period for purchasing individual and family medical insurance plans, which begins on November 15, 2014 and ends on February 15, 2015.

One thing I’ve discovered is that the insurance companies, California State government and the Federal government all have different names for insurance plans offered through Covered CA, the state-run exchange for buying health insurance.

Here’s a list of all the different names I’ve come across in CA that essentially all refer to the same plans, the Covered CA plans.

  • Covered CA plans
  • Obamacare plans
  • Exchange plans
  • CA State Exchange plans
  • Marketplace plans
  • HBEX (Health Benefit Exchange) plans
  • HIX (Health Insurance Exchange) plans
  • Health Care Reform plans
  • PPACA (Patient Protection & Affordability Act) plans
  • ACA (Affordable Care Act) plans
  • Federal plans
  • On-Exchange plans

These names are confusing and misleading, as many of you discovered last year.  The solution is to simply remember that there are 2 markets: On-Exchange and Off-Exchange.

1) If you do not qualify for a subsidy you do not have to buy from the Covered CA website.  You can buy Off-Exchange plans with no Govt. subsidy.  You can avoid the technical problems and onerous information requirements of the Covered CA website by applying for a plan through our website, or calling us at 925-284-2000.  There are no fees for our services and the premium for your plan is the same whether or not you use an agent.

2)  If you qualify for a subsidy due to your income, you can use our expertise as your certified agent to apply to Covered CA, and to receive ongoing assistance from us.  These are called On-Exchange Plans.   In fact, it is advisable to use a certified agent to apply to Covered California plans because they have up-to-date information on changing plan designs, provider networks, drug formularies, and a dedicated broker support team at Covered California for support.  Certified insurance agents enrolled between 40% and 80% of individuals, inside and outside of Covered California.

Applying for a subsidy (also known as the Advance Premium Tax Credit APTC) by applying to Covered CA may require you to submit documentation to verify information such as income, immigration status and employment. The information you provide is subject to verification by the IRS, Dept. of Homeland Security, Dept. of Labor, etc. either at the time of application or at a later date.

Here’s a simple chart to help you figure out which type of medical insurance plan you may qualify for in 2015:

The 2 Markets for Individual Health Plans
 ON Exchange
 OFF Exchange
Possible Tax Subsidy based on income
No Tax Subsidy
Marketplace OFF-Marketplace
Covered CA NON-Covered CA
Government Exchange NON-Government Exchange
Limited number of insurance plans Broader number of insurance plans


Please keep these terms handy when reading about or shopping for health insurance. When in doubt, call us at 925-284-2000.

The 2 markets for Individual Health Plans:

(1) On Exchange: Tax Subsidy based on income, Marketplace, Govt. Exchange, Limited insurance plans.

(2) Off-Exchange: NO Tax Subsidy, NON-Covered CA, NON-Government Exchange, Broader number of insurance plans.

As always, for our assistance, please call 925-284-2000 or go to

Phil Lee

Lee Health Insurance Services

Obamacare Deadlines – March 15 and March 31

Originally Posted 3/7/2014
(This E-blast pertains to people buying individual and family plans only. Medicare plans and employer plans are not affected by this announcement.)

1. Obamacare Deadlines – March 15 and March 31


Saturday, March 15th is the deadline to sign up for an individual plan with an Effective Date of April 1, 2014. This deadline applies to Covered California subsidized plans AND non-subsidized plans purchased directly from an insurance company.

Our office will be closed on Saturday, March 15th. If you need help choosing and applying for a plan you MUST call us by March 14.

To apply to Covered California and designate us as your agent or to apply to a non-subsidized plan please follow the link below.


The Effective Date of insurance coverage will be May 1, 2014. This deadline applies to Covered California plans AND non-subsidized plans purchased directly from an insurance company.

If you do not have insurance as of May 1, 2014 you will be subject to a penalty (tax) of the greater of $95 or 1% of adjusted gross income. And you will have to wait until Nov. to apply for Jan. 2015.

Please call us if we may assist you in securing coverage for 2014.

How to apply to Covered CA and Outside marketplace:

We offer one stop shopping and can help you with all of these plans. Please call us at 925-284-2000 if you encounter any problems in this application process. We are prepared to help you.
Thank you for reading.
Phil Lee

Applications to Covered CA On and Off Exchange Health Plans. Provider Search Update.

(The following information does not apply to you if you are on an employer group plan or on Medicare.)

There appears to be a great deal of confusion as to where to submit an application and the role of an agent.
Much of the confusion stem from the failure of the CoveredCA media advertising to mention that in addition to the Covered California Exchange, there is also a whole marketplace of health plans and insurance carriers available to consumers OUTSIDE of the Covered CA Exchange (Off-Exchange). The major difference is that you may only apply for a subsidy INSIDE the CoveredCA Exchange (On-Exchange). But if you don’t qualify or need a subsidy, you may apply outside where all the same plans are also available at the same rates, plus additional carriers and plan choices.

In addition, the Covered CA advertising also fails to mention that agents (Certified Insurance Agents) like myself are available to help consumers to quote, evaluate and apply to BOTH On and Off Exchange plans. And that there are no fees for our services. And no difference in premium. And that we offer free ongoing service.

(A) To apply to a plan INSIDE the Covered CA Exchange (On-Exchange):
You must go to to apply. Please designate me as your agent (look for “Find Help Near You”). Step by Step instructions for applying:

(B) To apply to a plan OUTSIDE the Exchange (Off-Exchange), please use the following links to apply:

Anthem Blue Cross (Deadline Dec. 23rd):

Blue Shield (Deadline Dec. 15th):

Health Net (Deadline Dec. 15th):

Kaiser: (Deadline Dec. 15th):

Note: If you miss the Dec. 15th deadline, you may still apply for a non-subsidized health plan through Covered CA. The only difference is that you will need to provide income and immigration information (to be shared by several Government agencies) even though you are not requesting a tax subsidy.

Provider Search

Anthem Blue Cross revised Provider Search
Go to
RHS under “Useful Tools”, click Find a Doctor.
On LHS Choose Doctor or Hospital #1
#2 Type Name of Doctor or Hospital
#3 Enter radius in miles and zip code.
#4 Enter State and Plan Type or network.
1. Plan Network for Covered CA Exchange:
a. Pathway X HMO Individual via Exchange
b. Pathway X PPO Individual via Exchange
c. Pathway X EPO Individual via Exchange
2. Plan Network for Non-Exchange:
a. Pathway HMO Individual
b. Pathway PPO Individual
c. Pathway EPO Individual

Blue Shield of CA Provider Finder
(Be sure to “Select a Plan” first before you search.)

Health Net Provider Finder

We offer one stop shopping and can help you with all of these plans. Please call us at 925-284-2000 if you encounter any problems in this application process. We are prepared to help you.
Thank you for reading.
Phil Lee

ACA Obamacare and Covered California Health Plans – What to do now

ACA and Covered CA Health Plans
What should you do now?

(This info applies to Individuals and Families under the age of 65 who are not on Medicare)

As you have probably been reading in the media, the ACA rollout and the California version, Covered California, is a disaster right now. Their contractors are scrambling to try to fix the mess on the website. We have been advising all of our clients, even if they already know that they want to enroll into the subsidized Covered CA exchange, that they wait until late in Nov. The deadline to apply for a 1/1/14 effective date is 12/15/13. You still have time.

The main problems are: 1) No reliable source to confirm if one’s doctors are in the reduced limited provider networks, 2) No info yet (rates, benefits, networks and formulary lists) for the off-Exchange plans, 3) The Covered CA website is not fixed yet, 4) No way to check prescription drug formulary lists on the reduced or limited drug formularies within the Exchange plans.

There is a paper, and pdf file version of the Covered CA enrollment application form that is much more reliable than the glitchy website. Please contact Lee Insurance Services at 925-284-2000 for a copy. You may submit a completed form to them to process for you.

As part of their ongoing service, Lee Insurance will review, correct, submit, confirm, monitor, troubleshoot and provide ongoing support for all applications that you submit to them. There are no fees for the free service, they are paid a nominal ongoing commission by the insurance carrier to provide you with their excellent local support.

Philip W. Lee

Why you should not rush into a Covered California Exchange health insurance plan right now.

• The online enrollment is still hampered by glitches and delays.
• Most of the carriers are only offering “skinny” networks of slimmed down providers within the Exchange plans.
• The Covered CA website and the carrier websites have either not been able to do Provider searches, or have been giving wrong results.
• The carriers have not yet released rates and details for their Off-Exchange health plans. This means that you cannot right now get a complete picture of what all is available in the marketplace.
• There will be 3 categories of health plans available on Jan. 1st.: Covered CA Exchange plans, Off-Exchange Mirror (Standardized) plans, and Off-Exchange non-Standardized plan.

You will have time to make a proper decision once all the information is out.
• The open enrollment period extends to March 31.
• The deadline for the Jan. 1st enrollment is Dec. 15th.
How to decide whether to buy an On-Exchange plan or Off-Exchange plan:
• If you know that you qualify for a Subsidy (Premium Assistance), then you have to purchase an Exchange plan such as a Bronze plan in order to get the subsidy.
• If you know that you don’t qualify for a subsidy, then you should purchase an Off-Exchange plan or Off-Off-Exchange plan, without subsidy.
• To find out if you may qualify for a subsidy, go to

What to do Next?
• Certified Insurance Agents are expected to have the ability to provide you with complete quotes for all plans in the marketplace (in and out of the Exchange) sometime in Nov.
• The health insurance carriers are expected to have the correct provider network list online by Nov.
• There is no cost to use Insurance Agents who are certified by Covered CA to provide this ongoing service to you.

Phil Lee

Covered California Health Benefit Exchanges Open for Business

Today, Tuesday Oct. 1st, Covered California, the State Individual Exchange, and SHOP, the State’s Small Business Exchange, will open for business.
Although they will open for business, the Exchange plans and rates may or may not be available for comparison on Tuesday. We will have to wait and see. As of Monday, none of the carriers have released their rates online on the quote engines. Even if Covered CA does have rates on their website tomorrow, many of the carriers may not have their non-Exchange plans available. We may not be able to see a complete picture of the marketplace until all plans are released and available online through the quote engines.
Once all the rates are available, then your certified insurance agent will be able to help you by running comparison reports of all the available options. We will be able to provide one-stop shopping of all plans available in the marketplace, inside or outside of the Exchange.
Just to recap. The two Exchanges account for only one portion of the total marketplace. There will also be individual health plans and group health plans available outside of these 2 State exchanges. Carriers that offer standardized (or metallic level) health plans within the Exchanges, also have to offer these same identical plans outside of the exchanges, and at the same prices. However, outside, carriers may also offer a broader selection of plans, in addition to the metallic plans.
Consumers and businesses are free to choose health plans either within the exchanges, or outside. But if you want to apply for a tax credit or subsidy, either as an individual or as a business, then you have to apply for a plan within one of the exchanges.
Comparing Health Plans
One thing to remember when comparing standardized metallic plans across different insurance carriers and when compared against non-standardized plans. Since benefit levels and coverage are regulated and standardized, there will not be much difference when comparing metallic plans across carriers. However, insurance carriers are still allowed to vary premiums and provider networks. These two will be the two most important features to pay attention to when comparing carriers.

Decision Time For Small Employer Groups (50 or fewer employees)
If you have an existing Small Group Plan, the following are some possible options that you may need to decide:
• Do nothing. Allow your plan to renew at the regularly scheduled renewal date in 2014. At that time, all ACA regulations and prices will be imposed. (An exception would be grandfathered plans prior to 3/23/2010).
• Renew early on Dec. 1st. Take advantage of carriers’ promotional RAF’s. Lock in rates and plans for 12 months. Delay impact of most of ACA-imposed regulations.
• Use Dec. 1st Early Renewal to change plans and lock in rates for 12 months.
• Use Dec.1st carrier RAF promotions to change to a more favorable rate or plan at another carrier.
• Renew on Jan. 1st to change to an ACA-compliant plan, and accept new rules on probation and family ratings.
• Change to another carrier on Jan. 1st or later (even after you have early renewed on Dec. 1st).
• Ask your Tax Advisor to help you calculate if your company may qualify for a Tax Credit. If so, you may want to consider buying an Exchange and ACA-compliant plan on Jan. 1st.

These decisions are complicated. Circumstances vary and every company’s options are different. You should consult with a certified insurance agent before making a decision.
Decision Time For Individuals and Families
If you already have an existing individual health plan. You may have to decide on one of these possible options. The following example is based on someone on an Anthem Blue Cross plan:
5. Do nothing. Allow Anthem to map your current plan to a comparable 2014 ACA-compliant plan on Jan. 1st. You will still have the opportunity, until March 31, to change to any other plan, inside or outside the Exchange.
6. If you have a grandfathered plan (prior to March 23, 2010), you may keep your plan and remain unchanged, except for the rate.
7. Use Anthem’s calculator tools online to compare plans and decide whether to change plans or not, and if so, whether to move to an Exchange or Non-Exchange plan.
8. Use the Covered CA Exchange’s online subsidy calculator to estimate if you and your family may qualify for a subsidy. If so, you may want to consider applying for an Exchange plan for Jan. 1. (Please keep in mind that if you apply for a subsidy, you will be required to disclose financial, personal and tax return info, which will be verified by different Govt. entities.)

These decisions are complicated. Circumstances vary and every individual’s options are different. You should consult with a certified insurance agent before making a decision.

• Anthem will be providing online decision tools:,
• The Exchange’s Covered California website will provide calculator tools for estimating if you might be eligible for a subsidy.
• Your certified insurance agent will have powerful online Quote Engine tools to help you compare all plans in the marketplace, both inside and outside the Covered CA Exchange.
• Please remember that everyone’s personal situation is different. What may be the right move for a friend or family member may not be the right move for you. You have to tailor the decision to your own circumstances.

Key dates to remember:
• 10/1/2013 — Carriers release their 2014 Rates and Plans, for plans inside as well as outside the Covered California Exchange.
• 1/1/2014 — Implementation of the ACA (or Obamacare). All plans sold with this effective date or later must be ACA-compliant.
• 10/1/2013 – 3/31/2014 — Open Enrollment Period for all Individual and Family plans.
• 3/31/2014 — Last effective date to enroll into an Individual/Family plan without a special qualifying event.
• 10/15/2014 – 12/6/2014 — Open Enrollment Period for 1/1/2015 plans.

Phil Lee


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Lee Health Insurance Services | Healthcare Insurance Agency, Individual Health Insurance, Family Health Plans, Group Medical Insurance, Small Business Health Insurance, Whole & Term Life Insurance, Dental Insurance, Health Care Reform Assistance, Covered California Insurance Exchange Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Medigap Plans, Anthem Blue Cross, Kaiser Permanente, Blue Shield of CA, Health Net, Cigna, Aetna, Contra Costa County CA, Pleasant Hill, Danville, Concord, Berkeley, Martinez, Albany, Oakland, San Ramon, Alameda, Santa Clara, Campbell, Milpitas, Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Fremont, Palo Alto, Newark | 935 Moraga Road, Suite 240, Lafayette CA 94549 (925) 284-2000 or Toll-Free, (800) 286-7445