Lee Health Insurance Services https://health-insurance.com Sun, 14 Aug 2016 04:56:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 Blue Shield of California Plans to Shut Down for 1 Week in September to Save on Payroll Due to Obamacare Losses https://health-insurance.com/blue-shield-of-california-plans-to-shut-down-for-1-week-in-september-to-save-on-payroll-due-to-obamacare-losses/ Sun, 14 Aug 2016 04:56:44 +0000 https://health-insurance.com/?p=671 http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/news/2016/08/11/exclusive-losses-blue-shield-california.html

As reported by the San Francisco Business Journal, Blue Shield of California will be closed from September 3 to September 12 while its employees take the week of Labor Day off. Although Blue Shield announced there will be some customer service staff working that week we assume the phone lines will be jammed for the entire week.

It appears that Individual, Small Group and Medicare departments are affected by the shutdown.
We do not yet know whether the Blue Shield member portal, broker portal or employer portal will be accessible and will reflect current information during the shutdown.
This is an unprecedented announcement by an insurance company. We will do our best to provide service to our clients during this shutdown, but if Blue Shield is closed our ability to provide customer service will also be severely impacted.

(NOTE: This information relates only to Blue Shield of California, a taxpaying non-profit insurance carrier that operates only in California. Please do not confuse this company with Anthem Blue Cross, or any other Blue Cross or Blue Shield organization in states outside of CA.)

Phil Lee

Lee Health Insurance Services (BLIS Corporation)



Choose an On-Exchange or Off-Exchange Health Insurance Plan? How to Apply to Covered California or Outside. https://health-insurance.com/choose-an-on-exchange-or-off-exchange-health-insurance-plan-how-to-apply-to-covered-california-or-outside/ Wed, 04 Dec 2013 08:42:48 +0000 http://www.healthplantalk.com/?p=333 Individual and Family Health Plans

I apologize for this lengthy post. But it contains critical information and links necessary for you to make a decision on which health plan to choose, and to apply to either a Covered California Exchange health plan, or to a plan outside of the Exchange.
It’s been a challenge to communicate such an enormous amount of information to so many people in such a short period of time. But we are determined to help you take care of this before the deadline of Dec. 23rd.

How to apply
(A) On-Exchange (CoveredCA) Plans — Plans that allow tax subsidies.
Please use these links below for paper applications and instructions on how to apply online.
(If these links do not open automatically when you click, please copy and paste the URL address onto the address line on your browser, and click return.)
(1) Link to, “Fillable Covered CA paper application”. This paper application form allows you to complete by typing in answers and then printing out. This form is much easier and takes one-fifth of the time to complete over the CoveredCA.com online application:


(2) Link to, “Application Screenshots Covered CA”. Step by Step instructions with screenshots on how to submit an application using coveredCA.com. It shows how to set up a User ID, password and then designate an Agent. You then continue to complete the application yourself:


(3) Link to Instructions for “Agent Designation ” on CoveredCA.com website. Step by Step Instructions with screenshots on how to designate Philip W Lee, License #0795681, as your Certified Insurance Agent to service your account:


Please be sure to enter my agent license number so that we may continue to service your account and receive credit for doing so. (Agent Philip W Lee License # 0795681) There are no fees to you and you do not pay any additional premium for having an agent. You will however receive our ongoing helpful service.

(B) Off Exchange (non-CoveredCA) Plans — Non-standardized plans with no tax subsidies.
Apply by clicking the below links and following the online instructions:

Anthem Blue Cross:

Blue Shield: https://www.blueshieldca.com/bsca/ApplyNow?xyz=I%2Bc68ZizpmLi

Health Net: https://www.healthnet.com/portal/consumer/ca/getYourQuote.ndo?region=CA&a=10952

Kaiser: https://smu.kaiserpermanente.org/expressweb/ClearWorkspace.action?nextAction=/user/URLDecryptAction.action&refID=7o830apvbn8eyriuut5qmukks0hfomvhibykqt7emn1yam3vpqwgnp5t815gww

Compare On and Off Exchange Plans

Side-by-Side Comparison Reports
If you have not already received customized side-by-side comparison proposals or reports from us, please ask me (email agent@health-insurance or call 925-284-2000). Please include your name(s), Dates of Birth, Zip Code(s) and email address. There are two reports: (1) On Exchange Proposal comparing plan inside the Covered CA Exchange, and (2) Off Exchange Proposal comparing plans outside of the Covered CA Exchange.

What you need to consider in your decision:

1) Do you qualify for a Tax Subsidy?
You may estimate your health plan premiums and subsidies using the Shop and Compare Tool Calculator on the Covered California website.


If you know that you qualify for a subsidy, and want to take advantage of it, then you should apply to Covered CA, naming us as your Designated Agent (Instructions on Agent Designation are above).

If you know that you do not qualify for a subsidy, it will be advisable to consider plans that are outside of the Covered CA Exchange. Plans sold in the Exchange are also available outside of the Exchange at the same prices with the same benefits. But there will be a larger variety of plans to choose from outside. The plans outside the Exchange may have different provider networks and additional carriers.

Applications to plans outside the Exchange will not require you to divulge personal information like income and immigration status to Govt. entities like the IRS, CMS, HHS, DOL, NSA, Homeland Security, etc.

2) Are your doctors and hospitals listed in the Provider Network of the plan that you are considering?
Most Individual/Family plans, except for Health Net and Kaiser, whether in or out of the Covered CA Exchange, will have reduced or “skinny” provider networks. .These plans do not have the same full PPO or HMO networks that you may have been used to with pre-ACA plans. The provider search function in coveredca.com may not have up to date listings. However several of the carriers have posted “provider lists” on their own websites. There are links to these lists below. Please be aware that physicians are still negotiating with the carriers, and that these lists may change daily.

Anthem Blue Cross will only be offering a limited, reduced size provider network for their Individual/Family plans in and out of the Covered CA Exchange. This list is about 40% -60% of their full PPO network.
Blue Shield of CA will be offering a limited provider network for all their Individual/Family metallic plans in and out of the Covered CA Exchange. The new network will have 50% of the doctors and 70% of the hospitals of their previous full network.
Kaiser’s network will be the same in and out of the Exchange, and same as their current network.
Health Net has announced that they will be using the same provider network in 2014 as in 2013, i.e. their full PPO network.
Cigna will also be offering a reduced PPO network call the LocalPlus Net for their Individual plans in 2014. However, Cigna is allowing individuals to enroll (through Dec.14th) onto their 2013 plans. They will then renew these plans for one year on 12/31/13 (with a 5% increase for ACA taxes and fees), thus delaying ACA changes until Dec. 2014. These plans will retain the old provider network and drug formularies until Dec. 2014.

If you are not able to find a satisfactory provider network among the Individual and Family plans inside or outside of the Exchange, please give us a call at 925-284-2000. There may be other options such as small group plans.

To search for Doctors and Hospitals:

Anthem Blue Cross Provider Finder:

Blue Shield of CA Provider Finder:

Health Net Provider Finder:

Cigna Provider Finder:
Plans starting in 2013 have the OAP network (expansive)
Plans starting in 2014 will have the LocalPlus Network (narrower)

3) Are your prescription drugs on the Drug Formulary List of the plan that you are applying to?
Please be aware that carriers have told us that they may be reducing some of their prescription drug formulary lists prior to Jan. 1.
Some carriers are starting to post their formulary lists on their websites. But those lists may be updates frequently. Health Net has announced that there will be no change to their drug formulary list in 2014 from 2013.

For your convenience, I have attached a link to the online formulary lists for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Please keep in mind that these lists may change.

Anthem Blue Cross Drug Formulary list can be found at:

Blue Shield Formulary List can be found at:

4) Are you on a grandfathered health plan?
If you are on a grandfathered plan, you would have received a letter from your carrier notifying you of that.
If you don’t know, please call your carrier to find out.
If you do have a grandfathered plan, then it will retain its existing provider network, drug formulary list and benefit design.
If you find that the new ACA-compliant plans for 2014 do not satisfy the provider network, formulary list or pricing that you desire, then you should keep this grandfathered plan.

To recap, apply to Covered CA (with us as your Designated Agent), if:

a) You qualify for a sizable Tax Subsidy
b) Your doctors and hospitals are in the plan’s reduced network.
c) Your prescription drugs are in the plan’s Formulary List and you do not need to obtain prior authorization from the new Exchange plan to continue an expensive prescription medication.
d) You do not want to consider any of the Off-Exchange health plans.
e) You do not want to keep a grandfathered plan which may have a more favorable provider network or drug formulary list.
f) You are comfortable with the fact that Covered CA will be sharing your PII (Personal Identifiable Information), PHI (Private Health Information) and financial information with other government and non-government entities that may include the IRS, Dept. of Homeland Security, Center for Medicare Medicaid Services, US Dept. of Health & Human Services, Dept. of Labor, Dept. of Insurance, Dept. of Managed Health Care, the State of California and Equifax.
g) You are comfortable that the Covered CA website will provide adequate security and protection against hacking and identity theft.

If you are not comfortable with all of the above, you may consider an Off-Exchange plan, or another carrier not on the Exchange like Cigna, or a small group plan.

Documents that Covered California may request from you when you apply to On Exchange plans. (These will not be required for Off Exchange plans.)
• Your W-2 wage statement
• Your Bank Account Statement
• Your IRS 1040 form showing your household AGI income
• Your current health plan information such as ID card, plan summary, billing statement, cancellation notice, notice of mapping, premium increase letter, letter of grandfathered status, etc.
• Drivers License, Passport, Resident Alien ID card or naturalization papers.
Thank you for reading these lengthy emails.

Please call me at 925-284-2000 if you have any questions. You may get updates on my blog at http://www.healthplantalk.com/

Very sincerely,

Phil Lee

Health Care Reform (ACA) Implementation Jan. 1st, 2014 – California Updates https://health-insurance.com/health-care-reform-aca-implementation-jan-1st-2014-california-updates/ Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:43:34 +0000 http://www.healthplantalk.com/?p=303 Latest Updates

Individuals and Families
• Insurance Carriers are expected to release their health plan offerings for 2014 on Oct. 1st.
• The major carriers offering Individual/Family plans in the Bay Area will be Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Health Net and Kaiser.
• Individual & Family purchase mandates and penalties will go into effect on Jan. 1st. Large Employer Group (50+ Employees) mandates and penalties, however, have been postponed to 1/1/2015.

Small Employer Groups (50 or fewer employees)
• Model Notices — All Employers are required to give “Model Notices” to all their employees by Oct. 1st, and to new hires within 14 days of hire. This is a Dept. of Labor mandated notice, that talks about employees’ and dependents’ options, under ACA, to employer and individual health coverage, Exchanges, subsidies and tax credits.
• Previously, this Model Notice law carried a penalty to Employers of $1,000 per employee for non-compliance. Last week, the Dept. of Labor announced a waiver of the penalty for non-compliance. But they still want employers to send out those notices.
• Anthem Blue Cross will not be offering any Small Group health plans within the Covered California Exchange. But they will be offering a wide selection of non-standardized plans outside of the Exchange.

Large Employer Groups (50+ employees)
• Model Notices — Penalties waived, see above.

Medicare Individuals
If you are on Medicare, you are mostly unaffected by the implementation of ACA on Jan. 1st.

Phil Lee
