For those individuals or family members who are not covered by an employer group health insurance plan, the individual health insurance market is the most popular first place to shop due to the attractive and affordable premiums. The monthly premiums for these plans are generally lower than what employers pay for group health plans, and therefore also lower than Cobra premiums. In addition there is a wide selection of plans with lower benefit levels (i.e. higher deductibles and fewer bells and whistles) and thus lower premiums for those with smaller budgets. The most important thing to know about the individual health insurance plan market is that you have to have good health to qualify. There is an application and underwriting process that determines your eligibility for these plans. There is generally no risk and no obligation in applying. Depending on your individual circumstances, the application process may take anywhere from a few minutes to several weeks. The application process and medical approval may involve the insurance underwriter having to obtain medical records from your physicians. The end result is that you may be either accepted, accepted at a higher rate level, postponed or declined for coverage.
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